Floristic foils Blumenfolie | 20 Blatt | 58x58 cm | Farbe 1004 FOL-10-04 €3.49 From 2.27 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Blumenfolie | 20 Blatt | 58x58 cm | Farbe 1012 FOL-10-12 €3.49 From 2.27 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Blumenfolie | 20 Blatt | 58x58 cm | Farbe 1014 FOL-10-14 €3.49 From 2.27 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Blumenfolie | 20 Blatt | 58x58 cm | Farbe 4602 FOL-46-02 €3.38 From 2.20 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Blumenfolie | 20 Blatt | 58x58 cm | Farbe 4609 FOL-46-09 €3.38 From 2.20 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 0113 FOL-01-13 €3.03 From 1.97 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 0124 FOL-01-24 €3.03 From 1.97 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 0708 FOL-07-08 €3.38 From 2.20 € \ \nSatin floral film for bouquets and more .Waterproof. PREMIUM. \nIdeally replaces the commonly known paper for bouquets. \nThe price includes a set of 20 sheets with dimensions : 58x58cm which corresponds to about 12m of film on a roll. \nThe color pastel orange (0708). \nThe sheets are ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges.... Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1001 FOL-10-01 €3.50 From 2.28 € \ \nSatin floral film for bouquets and more .Waterproof. PREMIUM. \nIdeally replaces the commonly known paper for bouquets. \nThe price includes a set of 20 sheets with dimensions : 58x58cm which corresponds to about 12m of film on a roll. \nTwo-sided color pink-gold (1001). \nThe sheets are ready to use without cutting, have perfectly straight edges. \n \n Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1007 FOL-10-07 €3.50 From 2.28 € Satin floral foil for bouquets and more .Waterproof. PREMIUM. \nIdeally replaces the commonly known paper for bouquets. \nThe price includes a set of 20 sheets with dimensions : 58x58cm which corresponds to about 12m of film on a roll. \nColor: double-sided gray-gold (1007). \nThe sheets are ready to use without cutting, have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1008 FOL-10-08 €3.50 From 2.28 € Satin floral foil for bouquets and more .Waterproof. PREMIUM. \nIdeally replaces the commonly known paper for bouquets. \nThe price includes a set of 20 sheets with dimensions : 58x58cm which corresponds to about 12m of film on a roll. \nColor double-sided white chalk-gold. Non-transparent (1008). \nReady to use without cutting, they have perfectly... Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1009 FOL-10-09 €3.50 From 2.28 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1011 FOL-10-11 €3.50 From 2.28 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 1017 FOL-10-17 €3.50 From 2.28 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Florist foil PREMIUM | 20 sheets | 58x58 cm | Color 2204 FOL-22-04 €3.38 From 2.20 € 20 sheets 58x58cm of PREMIUM wood-resistant floral film. Ready to use without cutting, they have perfectly straight edges. Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 0505 FOL-05-05 €3.15 From 2.05 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 0704 FOL-07-04 €3.38 From 2.20 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 0705 FOL-07-05 €3.38 From 2.20 € Satinierte Blumenfolie für Blumensträuße und mehr. PRÄMIE. Ersetzt perfekt das allgemein bekannte Papier für Blumensträuße. Im Preis inbegriffen ist ein Satz von 20 Blättern mit den Maßen: 58 x 58 cm, was etwa 12 m Folie auf einer Rolle entspricht. Farbe: undurchsichtiger Pfirsich (0705). Die Platten sind ohne Zuschneiden gebrauchsfertig und haben perfekt... Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 0803 FOL-08-03 €3.38 From 2.20 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 0804 FOL-08-04 €3.38 From 2.20 € Add to cart
Floristic foils Folia florystyczna PREMIUM | 20 arkuszy | 58x58 cm | Kolor 1003 FOL-10-03 €3.49 From 2.27 € Add to cart